Friday, July 19, 2019

Alcohol and Drinking - Treatments for Alcoholism Essay -- Exploratory

Treatments for Alcoholism      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Where can alcoholics receive help? â€Å"Hospitals, psychiatric agencies, public-welfare departments, and social agencies, among others are often reluctant to provide care and treatment for problem drinkers† (Plaut, 53). Although it is difficult to help these problems drinkers, many people will give all they can to help these problem drinkers. â€Å"The provision of treatment to problem drinkers is complicated because they differ from one to another in so many ways† (Plaut, 33). Many different factors vary within problem drinkers. â€Å"Not only do their drinking patterns vary greatly, but also their physical health, psychological condition, and economic circumstances† (Plaut, 34). Problem drinkers have problems associated with alcohol and also many other difficulties in life not necessarily dealing with alcohol. â€Å"Therefore, in planning treatment services for problem drinkers, or in developing a treatment plan for an individual, it is n ecessary to take into account more than just the drinking; in fact, it may even be impossible to deal with the drinking behavior unless other problems are also tackled† (Plaut, 34). Since drinking can be related to other problems it is important to take everything into account when helping a problem drinker.    It is difficult to help problem drinkers with their alcohol problems and also their personal problems. â€Å"The goals of treatment for most conditions are the relief of symptoms and the restoration of health† (Plaut, 34). A complicated situation to understand is â€Å"the fact that few, if, any, problem drinkers will be able to return to â€Å"normal† social drinking† (Plaut, 34). Thus, â€Å"the term â€Å"cure† is usually avoided. Abstinence, or at least altering the patients drink... ...n the other hand,    the major weaknesses are the failure to provide real treatment for substantial proportion of patients having at least an initial contact with the clinic; the lack of experimentation to develop new approaches for working with the less verbal, lower-class patient; the continouing isolation from other agencies- particularly general psychiatric services, mental hospitals, and medical detoxification facilities; and the lack of relationships with basic professional training institutions (Plaut, 79).    Outpatient care, such as alcoholism clinics can help problem drinkers with their problems and help them to live a new lifestyle.       Works Cited: Plaut, Thomas, Alcohol Problems 1967, Oxford University Press Mendelson, Jack and Mello, Nancy, Alcohol Use and Abuse in America 1985 by Bio-Behavioral Reaserch Corporation

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